Insecure Writer's Support Group
IWSG Day Question: What steps have you taken to put a schedule in place for your writing and publishing?
I took a job recently that has me working 10 hour days. I took it because I needed the money. To be honest, royalties last year were not good. It was my fault really, having all the time in the world made me lazy.
Now I don't have time to be lazy. Working 10 hours a day, has taken me a couple of months to get used to, but finding time to write has been the real challenge.
I knew if I was going to get back to writing, I had to make a schedule and stick with it.
First, I started with my word of the year ...
In order to get everything I want done this year, it's simple. I need to work.
Next, I looked at my schedule and tried to see what was happening that prevented me from writing when I wasn't work.
Well, I have to wake up at 5:30 am to get to work by 7:00 am, no time there. Once I get home after an hour long drive, all I want to do is unwind, watch television and make sure I get in bed by 10:00 pm.
Since the morning wasn't an options, I noticed that I had a lot of energy around 5:30 - 5:45. Maybe it was the realization that my work day was over, but if I could parlay that into 45-60 minutes of creative energy, it would be the perfect time to write.
My office is pretty quiet after 5:30 pm.
So, here's the plan.
My goal for 2017 is to average 1,000 words a day.
I can get those words easily in that hour after I clock out. Plus, I don't get home much later because the traffic adds 20 minutes to my commute and it's non-existent at 6:30 pm.
I've implemented it for 1 day and you know what ... I think it's going to work (fingers crossed).
What steps have you taken out a schedule in place for your writing and publishing?